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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Adonis and the Labyrinth

Darkness calls the midnight oil;
I dance in the labyrinth, unafraid.
Shadows flicker like bells
As loneliness swells with silence.
I powdered my face;
I shut the doors.
Midnight oil drips on Adonis;
Beasts hold feasts in study halls,
As nighttime falls, as nighttime falls.
Steady hands and accurate hindsight,
A lonely landscape,
A violent night.
I wander through passages of Ovid.
I leave a trail of crumbs:
Cobblestone and cake,
I am awake.
Darkness calls the midnight oil;
Adonis' face spoils
In leaves of grass at a looking glass.
I powdered my face;
I shut the doors.
I closed the curtains;

Of this I am certain.